Saturday, October 15, 2016

Shailene Woodley Could be Bailed After a Protest Strike Looms as Court Appearance

At least 27 peoples including Hollywood actress Shailene Woodley. Were arrested During Standoff at Standing Rock on October 10, Aboriginal Day. While trying to block the construction of the pipeline two access Dakota separate workplaces. Removing Woodley was broadcast live 40000 spectators on their Face book page. He was then taken to bands in prison. She says his dedication to the event with indigenous peoples who are the vanguard. The fight is still strong. Whenever we allow another pipeline. We are the fossil fuel industry and the support of only prolong the time it will take to switch renewable energy. Woodley recently starred the new Edward the film Snowden. He appeared the television series. The Secret of Life the American Teenager. And has also appeared in films including. The Divergent and The fault in our stars. He received a Golden Globe nomination for His role as Alex King in The Descendants.


This is an advanced transcription. The copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to continue to watch what happens. They are north the Dakota authorities waging a war against the public's right to know continuing protests pipes Standing Rock? Earlier this month documentarian it two weeks ago. They pay Delia Schlosberg three offenses to film an act of civil disobedience that militants climate manually turned the safety valves to stop the flow tar sands oil through
pipelines across the United States and Canada. These were DAPL separate actions. The actions took place in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Washington. Schlosberg is an award-winning director was producer of the recent documentary by Josh Fox. How to shelve the world and love. All things cannot change the climate. She was filming the action in a valve.

TransCanada owned station in Walhalla, North Dakota, arrested with activists. And the equipment was confiscated. She was accused of Class A serious offenses and two Classes which carry a combined maximum of 45 years sentence. Meanwhile, on 10 October, at least 27 people, including Hollywood actress Shailene Woodley. Was arrested blocking access to the pipeline construction Dakota?
Two separate workplaces. The arrest of Woodley Footage was broadcast live about 40,000 spectators on their Face book page.

POLICE: Right now, you are placed in a state of arrest for criminal raids okay? Shailene Woodley It is because I have 40,000 people watching. So everyone knows we went to our car, which had circled around and waiting for me with giant cannons and a giant truck behind them, just to stop me. So they knew that would happen. I hope you see the mainstream media.

AMY GOODMAN: That was activist and actress Shailene Woodley being arrested by to protest against the access to the North Dakota Pipeline. Shailene is known for Divergent Series, failures in the stars. It's just the latest star Snowden. The film called Snowden about Edward Snowden. She also appeared in the television series Secret Life of a teenager. Shailene can you talk about what happened to you? It was just after Indigenous Peoples Day Columbus Day?

Shailene Woodley: It was the Day of Indigenous Peoples. It was all that was right. He happened to be in town. I went to a permanent rock months. And I had returned the day before the Day of Indigenous Peoples. And over there it was a ceremony of sunrise, a dawn prayer. Everyone woke up at 6:00 ET gathered by the river to pray. Which is how most days start on the right rock? Therefore all these stories and dialogue about the riots is as fascinating as you know. Are therefore liable to the ceremony and prayer. I cannot stress that enough. So everyone is standing praying. And the day before coincidentally. Right after the presidential debate. Where the world concentration and attention was Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton the US Court.

Appeal decided to reject the request to stop construction of the pipeline. So spontaneous action was put in place a peaceful action. I participated and we all went to this particular area. He could not give the exact benchmarks. Because I had never been there before. And few people had chosen- They had planned to draw attention to the day and for the cause of arrest. I was not one of those people. I participated in the peaceful and quiet demonstration clean water protection. With about 300 people including my mother. And I just stood like the rest of those 300 people were standing. And do what these other people were doing 300 who were praying. He was singing that was the song. And after two or three- four is my time off. But after a few hours to do this time, people who had.

We chose to be arrested were arrested and sent safely away, we all left because Police have disappeared and all alone on the left. And as I pulled up, until my RV in the back of the line Protesters cars. So there were not many people around my mother was with me. And friends-there was-there was a group of police officers waiting for me and water was tank. In other words, a reservoir. I do not know as if it was so crazy to say there is a tank reservoir. And then it was like a tank car of SWAT. Then they waited there. And they grabbed my arm and asked me if I was Shailene Woodley, and he said yes. They told me to wait and finally decided to come back and stop.

AMY GOODMAN: So you were the only person apart from those who were willing to be arrested. I mean there were hundreds of others like you who were there in support. But left when they were told.

Shailene Woodley: Yes.

AMY GOODMAN: You were the one who was arrested?

Shailene Woodley: Yes.

AMY GOODMAN: Did you say why?

Shailene Woodley: I mean he was charged with burglary and criminal rioting. They do not say why. I made a comment saying. Because I Shailene Woodley people know who I am? I am like you mentioned. I live on Face book. When he was arrested. But also before that I transmit Internet for over two hours and had more than 40,000people in that moment. My moment of detention to watch. But even before that we waxing and decline in and out of 30,000 to 50000, more or less. For that He was creating a big boost off the right rock.
And as we all know there was a news blackout on. What is happening? It is people like you. Amy and she do it with so much courage. So courageously and people like us in the area of Face book. With our broadcasts and these brave warriors out there. Who are detained to bring attention to this cause because nobody talks? And it's time to stop. No Suit is unacceptable that there are reservoirs in North Dakota. And the elderly face Children and protectors clean water. This is something that is present is a big problem and we cannot sit idle no more.

AMY GOODMAN: Now what happened next? They were brought to the Mandan jail?

Shailene Woodley: Morton County yes, Mandan prison.

AMY GOODMAN: You were accused of these low-level offenses, and the research was conducted groups?

Shailene Woodley: Yes we asked. We had to undress in front of someone.

AMY GOODMAN: You were yourself?

Shailene Woodley: In us.

AMY GOODMAN: With the guard?

Shailene Woodley: Yes taste and see that we had nothing on. And then from there we were told to put on an orange jumpsuit. While also being observed then sitting in the holding room with a group of other women.

AMY GOODMAN: So you were-eras.

Shailene Woodley: I was I was I must say, I am the first person who was released the same day on bail. My mother was there. And I think she was very scared. However, there were many women who met in this room that I had to spend the night and spent much more time in prison than I did. And I think it is very important and I think it's good to talk about my arrest and Deia speak, but there are many people out there who do not have the support that I have because of my name. And all should be supporting them as much as we pay attention to the questions we're here to talk, because they are our brothers and sisters in the line are sacrificing much of their livelihoods, to show solidarity with this movement.

AMY GOODMAN: You were not just, not only to go that day, the indigenous day, Shailene peoples. They were returning to North Dakota for several months. Why Dakota confrontation access pipeline so important for you? Why are you so concerned about this big pipeline of $ 4 billion that is being built?

Shailene Woodley: You know there are many reasons to be aware of this pipeline. One of them is climate change. As we all know, every time we allow another to build pipeline or other hydraulic fracturing and construction, support the fossil fuel industry and only prolong the time it takes to switch to renewable energy.
But something that is really important in this movement, in particular. Is that it does not just come out and the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. But the Indians are at the forefront of this struggle. And most of the time, indigenous peoples and marginalized communities. Are the first affected by climate change and fossil fuel
industry, because there is a veil of silence. Which lay on those communities where those pipelines cross? Many people do not pay attention. You know why it's like 45 minutes south of Los Angeles is the largest oil refinery west of the Mississippi, however, those who live in Beverly Hills and those of us in Santa Monica, we do not know on this subject. Mainly if only observed in the various communities and the people living there, it must be asked: Is it a coincidence or is there a reason for this? And this is what we see on the right side of the rock.

You know, many people do not realize this. But for the first time in history. Before colonization Native American tribes. Many of them were at war with each other and do not hear. And so, for the first time in history these different bands. These different tribes and non-Aboriginal allies come together to heal. The past and move forward in solidarity to future generations. And this is very important. This is a historic moment. It will be in the history books. Things change, and it is because people are leaving a lot of pain. And much suffering that has existed for many years. And are we not our civic and civil liability. Especially me as a non-native to recognize. What my ancestors did to the Native Americans in this country. I refuse to let it keep happening Native Americans in this country.

AMY GOODMAN: You know I was talking to a security guard found in North Dakota at the pipe, and one of the things he said to me. Especially what happened 3rd September when guard dogs unleashed security guards in water he said, yes? I can understand why protesters are angry he said. We have dogs bite, and it's over kill for 200 years?  He said. I understand that I understand.  Shailene Woodley thank you very much for being with us. We will also talk about the people who were there to document. What happens Shailene was arrested the day of the race. When Aboriginal Day to protest against the pipe. But it would his car. It was made after the police said that you know. You must leave the property.

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